I like to think about expectancy, which is not the same thing as expectation. Expectation means you're waiting for something with a certain kind of attitude and assumption. Expectation often comes with a payback, some kind of exchange, such as healing or a certain amount of money or good time - an outcome that was promised because you paid a certain price or simply because you are who you are.

Expectancy is faith in action. It is the vibratory frequency of life itself, and when we align ourselves with happiness, health, abundance, success and actually do something to show we have faith, these things will come back to us more and more. We make an invisible contract with the universe. Our expectancy impresses or imprints on our subconscious mind.

It's easier than you think to change from expectation to expectancy. With small shifts in how you speak, you can make massive differences in your life. Which would you rather say: "Things never seem to go my way" or "My life gets better each and every day"?

By changing from expectations to expectancy, you CAN change the conditions of your life. Stop expecting loss, lack, and failure! Now that you know this information, THINK about it; SPEAK about it; ACT on it!
